Why it works
People can be reluctant to talk about mental health, relationship, or financial difficulties.
Time and time again, research has shown that:
In times of need, people often don’t ask for help. Lack of knowledge, shame, stigma and cultural reasons are some of the top reasons for this.
If they do ask, they prefer to turn to their friends, families or partners - people that they already know and trust.
People are usually willing to help, but don't always know what to do or say.
Strong social connections contribute to positive outcomes for every individual, regardless of circumstances.

Not only do we underestimate how likely others are to ask for help when they need it, we also underestimate how often others are willing to give help.

70.9% of people say they have someone to turn to for emotional support.
Meaning almost 1 in 3 people don't...
Our hope is that by...
empowering general community members to recognise when someone is going through a hard time
equipping them with skills to engage in sensitive conversations
and providing ideas for what emotional and practical supports might look like
...we can reduce the number of people suffering in silence.
Connecting people to the right information
We know that many people are not aware of the range of support services available to those going through a tough time. A key component of our workshops is sharing information about counsellors, help lines, service directories and support groups. Where possible, we focus on what’s available in the local area.
We want to demystify this information and encourage people to access support services when they first start to experience difficulties – ideally before their situation reaches a crisis point.