Looking after you
When the one who needs a friend is you
Caring for others is hard. It can be physically, emotionally and financially draining.
Life might throw a curve ball that puts your own head, heart and pocket into a spin.
When that happens, be a good friend to yourself.
Be kind.
Be patient.
Be forgiving.
Be there, for yourself.
Quick Links
Lifeline 131114
Beyond Blue 1300 224 636
National Debt Helpline 1800 007 007
1800Respect 1800 737 732
Check out the tips below for how to look after yourself when the going gets tough.
Tip: Consider your own capacity before helping others
Offer help that is within your limits. If you overextend yourself, you run the risk of becoming overwhelmed and resentful, to the detriment of your relationship.
If you have lots going on yourself, or feel like you may have overstretched yourself, discuss this with your friend sooner rather than later.
Support exists for people caring for those in tough times as much as it does for those who are experiencing challenges themselves.
Consider reaching out to your own network of friends or colleagues, your chaplain or other spiritual advisor, employee assistance provider (EAP), or joining a support group or online forums which provide a space for sharing and understanding from those going through the same thing. Be aware that not all forums are moderated so experiences
could vary.