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Money Worries

Bills getting you down?

Tips To help you during trying times!

5 Money Tips

  1. Talk to the companies that you owe money

  2. Pay important bills first

  3. Buy food and fuel vouchers

  4. Track you spending

  5. Pay off small loans and fines


Talk to the companies you owe money

Bad debts are bad for everyone. Most companies will talk to you about your bills and the money you owe. Power, gas, telephone and banks all have things in place to help you when money is tight.

Tips to help you to find the information you need on the web.

  • Use the companies name or abbreviation eg. Western Power, Telstra or ANZ, NAB, 
  • The type of debt or bill: Mortgage, car loan, power bill, gas bill
  • Help terms: COVID-19, COVID, help, Financial hardship, relief or payment plans
  • Put it into a sentence: help me during covid NAB home loan or help me during covid western power bill
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